International Journal of Education and Digital Learning (IJEDL) 2024-12-31T10:27:40+00:00 Usman Jayadi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Education and Digital Learning (IJEDL) | ISSN (e): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2962-052X </a></strong>is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal that publishes original and relevant articles in all fields of education research. It publishes both theoretical as well as empirical and methodological contributions to education research. Its coverage encompasses all forms of teaching and learning at all levels, from early childhood development to lifelong learning.</p> <p>The journal provides the readers with free and permanent access to all content worldwide; and the authors with article promotion, long-time preservation, language assistance, no space constraints and immediate publication.</p> <p>This journal is published <strong>6 times</strong> a year <strong>(February, April, June, August, October,</strong> &amp; <strong>December)</strong></p> <p>Download Template <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>click here!</strong></a></p> Ethno Parenting: Early Childhood Character Development Based on Local Wisdom of the Sasak Tribe 2024-12-21T18:27:59+00:00 Erda Sunifa Asri Hidayatussoalihah Hidayatussoalihah Mertina Mertina Halimatussakdiah Halimatussakdiah Baiq Nunike Sulvia Dewi Lalu Sumardi <p>This study aims to describe how the character development model for early childhood is based on local wisdom in the Sasak Tribe. This study was conducted with a focus on local Sasak wisdom that is relevant to the development of early childhood character and ethno parenting practices in the Sasak tribe community. The type of research used is qualitative research. The subjects of the study were the traditional chiefs of the Ende Sasak tribe, the Bayan Sasak tribe and the local community in the Sasak tribe. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview and documentation methods. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the local wisdom of the Sasak Tribe has several character value developments in children consisting of religious values, mutual cooperation values, discipline and responsibility values, preservation of art and culture and life values.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Erda Sunifa Asri, Hidayatussoalihah, Mertina, Halimatussakdiah, Baiq Nunike Sulvia Dewi, Lalu Sumardi Building an Integrated Environmental Care Attitude with Ecopro (Ecobric Product) at SDN 43 Mataram 2024-12-19T09:32:56+00:00 Arisandi Nirmala Imam Hamzan Wijaya Hotimah Hotimah Neneng Ayu Mulyani Sarwin Hidayat Lalu Sumardi Dadi Setiadi <p>This study began with the problems faced, namely the lack of environmental awareness among students of SDN 43 Mataram, especially in plastic waste management. The problems identified in this study include: 1) Suboptimal utilization of plastic waste in the school environment; 2) The lack of environmentally conscious character in students related to waste management; 3) Efforts to instill environmentally conscious character through the use of ecobricks and products from the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. The purpose of this study was to explain the extent to which ecobrick products can instill environmentally conscious character. This study used a descriptive qualitative method to obtain data on instilling environmentally conscious character through the use of ecobricks at SDN 43 Mataram. Data were collected through student observations, interviews with teachers, and documentation of activities. The results of the study showed that environmentally conscious character can be improved, indicated by the habit of disposing of garbage in its place, using enough water to wash plastic waste, separating plastic waste from other types, and washing hands with soap after activities. In addition to developing environmentally conscious character, this study also showed improvements in other aspects of development, such as fine motor skills, cognition, language, religious and moral values, social emotional, and art. Ecobricks made by students are used as bookshelves and bottle puppets, which are not only useful, but also function as literacy media for students.</p> 2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arisandi Nirmala, Imam Hamzan Wijaya, Hotimah, Neneng Ayu Mulyani, Sarwin Hidayat, Lalu Sumardi, H. Dadi Setiadi Habituation of Queuing Culture through SIDIA Program to Achieve 21st Century SDGs Goals 2024-12-21T16:56:49+00:00 Suparman Rosid Bq. Weddayu Murferatiwi Virgynia Merpati Dirgantari Lina Komala Sari Sri Endang Lalu Sumardi Dadi Setiadi <p>This research aims to examine the application of the SIDIA program in forming a queuing culture among elementary school students. Education at the elementary level is an important foundation in developing students' character, including discipline and patience. Observations at one school in Mataram showed that many students did not show good queuing behavior, such as crossing the line when entering class and being impatient when checking assignments. The SIDIA program is implemented both inside and outside the classroom to increase students' awareness of the importance of human culture. In the classroom, the methods used include presenting learning videos that teach character values such as patience and discipline. The results show a significant improvement in student behavior, such as discipline when submitting assignments and shaking hands with teachers outside the classroom. This program also succeeded in creating a more orderly queuing atmosphere, especially in the library, thanks to the use of partitions and attractive slogans. By implementing this program, it is hoped that the culture of queuing can become a habit that is ingrained in students' character, supporting broader and sustainable educational goals. Overall, this research emphasizes the importance of educational character in shaping good social behavior among students and provides recommendations for other schools to implement similar programs in order to achieve SDGs goals in the education sector.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Suparman Rosid, Bq. Weddayu Murferatiwi, Virgynia Merpati Dirgantari, Lina Komala Sari, Sri Endang, Lalu Sumardi, Dadi Setiadi Character Development Model of Kindergarten Students' Discipline Based on Eduparenting in Lombok, Indonesia 2024-12-21T17:58:54+00:00 Rabiatul Adwiyah Annisa Failasufa Nani Nuriani Kurniawati Astuti Azalia Rizkini Pratiwi Alya Tara Putri Lalu Sumardi <p>This study aims to analyze the model of character development of discipline in children at Pembina Sikur State Kindergarten and parenting education efforts implemented by parents at home. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The instruments used include observation sheets for the development of children's discipline character. Data analysis was carried out using the Miles and Huberman technique, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that the “Morning Journal” model implemented in schools was effective in improving children's disciplined character. This model involves collaboration between schools and parents, through parenting education activities such as "Parent Class." Children showed very good development of disciplined character, which was reflected in behaviors such as arriving on time, obeying class rules, and maintaining cleanliness. Parents also supported this development at home by getting children used to being responsible, making daily schedules, giving praise, and being role models. This study emphasizes the importance of synergy between schools and families in forming the disciplined character of early childhood through a parenting education-based approach.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rabiatul Adwiyah, Annisa Failasufa, Nani Nuriani, Kurniawati Astuti, Azalia Rizkini Pratiwi, Alya Tara Putri, Lalu Sumardi Optimization of Based Academic Management Information Systems E-Learning in Improving the Quality of Learning in State Madrasah Aliyah 1 and 2 Bandung City 2024-12-31T10:27:40+00:00 Annisa Mayasari Uus Ruswandi Supiana Supiana Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah <p>This research is motivated by the existence and role of information technology which has brought a new era in the development of education but has not been matched by an increase in human resources. These conditions encourage changes in various aspects to accelerate improvements to achieve the goal of quality education. The aim of this research is to identify planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, supporting and inhibiting factors as well as the impact of an e-learning based academic management information system in improving the quality of learning in MAN 1 and 2 Bandung City. The approach to this research uses a qualitative approach. The research method used in this research is the case study method. The impact of an e-learning based Academic Management Information System in improving the quality of learning in MAN 1 and 2 Bandung City, namely with attractive slide displays (eye- catching), good learning methods, teachers and students can carry out the learning process in a serious and fun way. This is acknowledged by students, that with the implementation of an e-learning based academic management information system in improving the quality of learning in schools, the learning process becomes varied and not boring.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Mayasari, Uus Ruswandi, Supiana Supiana, Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah